Artist Series Interviews
An Interview with Amelia Flower
An Interview with Amelia Flower
We are so excited to welcome Amelia Flower to our Artist Series. Her style and colour palette fits in perfectly here at Rumble. We hope you love our collab as much as we do!
We asked her a few questions about her work and process. Check out our interview in full below..
Introduce yourself…
I’m Amelia Flower, and I’m an Illustrator in my late 20s, living in Oxford in the UK.
Have you always been an illustrator and if not, how did you get into the career you have now?
Yes, I’ve always been an illustrator in some way or another. It’s a bit of a predictable answer, but I spent my whole childhood drawing and making things, and there’s really nothing else I’ve ever wanted to do. I worked in a few design jobs after graduating University, while building up my freelance illustration work on the side, and transitioned into full-time illustration about four years ago. I’m enormously grateful to my agents, Folio Art, who took me on in their new artist ‘showcase’ a few years ago, and then onto their main roster. Being about to draw all day, every day, really is a dream come true.
Where are you located? What’s it like, and how does the city inspire you?
I live in Oxford. I moved here with my husband at the beginning of 2021 after a few years in London. It’s obviously a beautiful city, and I feel very fortunate to be here. I always find inspiration in people and watching the world around me, and the eclectic fusion of students, tourists, and locals has inspired many of the characters in my work this year. Oxford is a small but vibrant city, and I’m looking forward to spending many more years exploring here!
What’s your creative process? What tools to do you use to create your images?
I make all of my illustrations in Procreate on my iPad. I’ve been working this way for several years, and I really value being able to work anywhere. My ideas usually start as scribbles in my notebook, or occasionally the Notes app on my phone, and then I move onto my iPad. I go to evening life drawing sessions as often as I can, which is a really nice opportunity to use all the ‘real’ drawing materials that I don’t use in my day-to-day digital illustration.
What & who are you mostly inspired by when creating work?
I have always been fascinated by people. Observing people living their daily lives, looking at what they’re wearing, where they might be going, and who they’re with. I like to sketch people from life, and then develop these into characters or ideas for an illustration.
Do you WFH, or have a studio space?
I have a room at home where I work. We moved into our house earlier this year with almost no furniture, so it’s still a work-in-progress, but I have my desk set up looking out over all of the gardens of the houses around us which is lovely. I sit on a kneeling chair to work every day, and I’ve been recommending it to everyone who mentions the slightest back pain!
What do you listen to when you make work?
I’m usually listening to podcasts all day. I find music doesn’t keep my attention, and I like to get engrossed in a conversation or a discussion. A few favourites are How To Fail by Elizabeth Day and Lecker by Lucy Dearlove.
What is your dream collab?
I’m always striving to work for people or brands who represent causes I believe in. Illustration can be so powerful in presenting a message in a way that is approachable and universal. I have so many ‘dream’ collaborations, but ultimately something where I can use my illustrations for good, and to support and educate on global issues.